In addition to the specialized series, Arabic for all has published a number of publications in the field of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, such as as Edaat book, lessons in understanding Arabic phonemes, how to learn a second language, Arabic on air, and others.
Showing all 4 results
Arabic On AirISBN:978-603-01-5754-9 Author:اعداد د. مختار الطاهر حسين Edition:الإصدار الأول 2022-2021 Pages:173 Dimensions:21.5 x 17 cmRead more
Eda’at For Arabic Language Teachers
Eda’at For Arabic Language TeachersISBN:978-603-01-6454-7 Author:د. عبد الرحمن بن إبراهيم الفوزان Edition:الإصدار الثاني 2022-2021 Pages:377 Dimensions:17 x 24 cmRead more -
How To Learn Second Language?ISBN:978-603-01-4091-6 Author:د. محمود بن عبد الله المحمود Edition:الإصدار الأول 2022-2021 Pages:70 Dimensions:17 x 24 cmRead more
Lessons In Teaching Arabic Phonetics To Non-Native Speakers
Lessons In Teaching Arabic Phonetics To Non-Native SpeakersAuthor:د. عبد الرحمن بن إبراهيم الفوزان Edition:الإصدار الأول 2013 Pages:272 Dimensions:21 x 28 cmRead more